Socios distribuidores & revendedores.

Offimizer está construyendo y expandiendo una red de socios distribuidores y revendedores certificados. Estos socios se eligen a partir de criterios exigentes que combinan las necesidades de los clientes en los territorios correspondientes con los conocimientos técnicos que pueden aportar.

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Offimizer SaaS Reseller and distributor Partnership

This partnership allows a company to distribute the rights of use and access of the SaaS Offimizer, in sale mode.

This document, signed by the distributor and by Offimizer, specifies the business conditions (SaaS, duration, territory, etc.)

This document specifies the general terms of the relationship between the distributor and Offimizer.

This document specifies the conditions of use for Offimizer support and maintenance services.